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A New Educational EntertainmentPlatform for Children

We work every day to buildthe foundations of abetter future

(A special program manages the translations and we strive to spot and correct errors over time)

A few words from Roman D. Hepburn, Founder:

Developing new approaches that promote the early development of young children is essential today for the common good of future generations, say UNICEF specialists.

Research and constant improvement of educational means through entertainment form an exciting and necessary field given the constant increase in violence and/or escape into drugs.

It is established today that learning certain key concepts as early as possible makes life easier for children, and greatly improves the quality of their contribution to society.

After several years of work, I created the platform that I would have liked to have had available when I was young, and that I would like to share with my children today.

This digital space does not just bring together children’s stories. It is a new approach based on the most recent discoveries in neuroscience which make it possible, nowadays, to understand why some children develop their potential more easily than others, thus making them more fulfilled and successful.

This approach encourages the child to better develop the qualities that are specific to him and which will accompany him throughout his life. It is offering a vast and reassuring universe, bringing together all the founding themes of a fulfilled and balanced personality.

Those who wish to support its development can go to the “donors” section. (Kids’ Best Interest Domain) is offering quality stories in a trusted entertaining and educational online space for children and parents that relies on the United Nations Convention regarding the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) for its guiding principles and protection policy.

These principles are intended to prohibit the publication of illegal or inappropriate content. We go further by refusing the untimely irruptions of any form of solicitation or advertising. We will also do everything possible to ensure that the content is available in all possible languages.

The Dot Kids Foundation is managed by a non-profit organization.


Total Groups


Qualified Teachers


Years of Experience


Students Enrolled


What parents say

We conducted a test last year, before the official opening of this site, to analyze the reaction of parents and children. We were spoiled! Here are some of the comments.

A global approach‘ mission is to offer, through high-quality stories, a new technique promoting the good development of the imagination and creativity specific to each child.

You will find detailed information in the For The Parents section once your account has been created.

Why do some children develop their talents more easily than others?

Human nature being complex, several factors come into consideration. However, whatever the social origin, character or education, there is a common denominator: the way in which the brain receives, organizes, then processes the information it receives until triggering the process of acquisition and developing a new skill. If these different stages take place easily for some, this is not the case for others: the brain has difficulty organizing all the information and making cross-references, the child then loses concentration and often ends up getting discouraged. 

Why useStorizfor children?

Take the example of teeth. It is often necessary to use the appropriate techniques or devices which act as tutors to support their development. The same goes for the brain skills. 

Unique and innovative concept

There are children’s stories in every country in the world. However, this new concept goes further by bringing together series of stories which each trigger different mechanisms stimulating imagination, creativity, observation, deductions and cross-checking through associations of information.

The importanceof a good technique

We all know that most professions require learning techniques to develop mastery of a field before excelling in it.

This is even more obvious in the various sporting or artistic fields. For example, if singers don’t use right techniques to develop their voice, they will quickly damage it.

Any technique is a form of conditioning, but a structuring and facilitating conditioning thanks to which creativity and imagination can develop better and above all find their way more easily into a concrete form.

The same goes for the brain development of young children. However, until today, there were no stories integrating techniques to facilitate early and well-structured brain awakening.

Why ? This is partly because discoveries about how different areas of the brain develop and integrate information are very recent and could only be confirmed through neuroimaging.

How to facilitatethe good development of the child's faculties

One of the best ways to encourage the proper development of each child’s specific faculties is to introduce their brain to combinations of elements or concepts as early as possible, even if it seems like they don’t understand everything (it has been shown that the brain works in the background, constantly, even at night).

Be careful though, the way you present these elements is crucial. If precise principles are not followed, it doesn’t work.

Stories, sure,but not just any stories

One of the best ways to easily achieve this is through reading or listening to stories, because it is a privileged moment when the brain adopts an attitude of total receptivity, combining pleasure and learning.

However, it is not enough to simply tell any story. For example, bizarre, nonsense stories, or stories containing poorly presented or poorly structured information, do not allow the young brain to establish the necessary relationships or superposition of certain notions. On the contrary, the child risks being disturbed, without understanding why, and this will be greatly felt later.

It is in fact from adolescence onwards that a well-structured brain will clearly stand out from one that is less.

Storiz's goal

Its founding principle is to participate in the evolution and constant improvement of educational means through entertainment.

This platform will lead, over the days, to a virtuous circle of permanent encouragement to the development of the child’s abilities and own individuality.

Its objective is to awaken and optimize the state of mind necessary to encourage each child to discover and then affirm its individual predispositions without being deceived by appearances or social stereotypes.

This will allow him to be better prepared to deal with the various issues he will face later.

Drawing on the most recent discoveries in neuroscience, the founder has developed techniques structured by precise mechanisms. offers a vast, reassuring and secure universe, without advertising or unwanted requests, addressing all the themes and subjects which constitute the basis of a fulfilled and balanced personality.

Don’t hesitate to do the test yourself! Observe, over time, how your child reacts to the stories and talk about the different topics with her/him.

Benefits of an early Awakeningof the child's individual skills

The different areas of the brain do not all progress at the same rate.

The limbic system, for example, develops first while the prefrontal cortex area only completes later. However, the stages of development are greatly facilitated, with less psychological vulnerability, if the child’s faculties are well awakened and channeled as early as possible. The brain being more malleable from a very young age, engraming a high-performing mindset is much more effective than later.

It has been shown, thanks to neuroimaging, that the earlier a young brain is channeled to acquire a skill, the better it will master it. Learning the same ability, carried out later in life, will not give the same results: it becomes something learned and not integrated into its basic functioning (facts confirmed by observations and comparisons of Brownian movements, as well as the evolution of neural circuits).

Harms ofeasy entertainment

“Easy” entertainment like cartoons or picture books, etc. should therefore be considered as “sweets” to be consumed in moderation: it is obviously easier to look at the work of others than to do it yourself, which is why children ask for more.

But this disadvantages them in the medium and long term by weakening their various skills.

It therefore makes sense to slightly modify the approach to entertainment for young children. By starting as early as possible, the child will quickly accept it as the norm (this was easily observed during the test phase). This approach will therefore quickly become an integral part of its DNA to use a buzz word.

The impressive difference between “passive” vs “active” development of imagination and creativity in children’s brain was also demonstrated.

The first most often leads to sterile dreams which, later, can lead to depression or aggression (often due to great frustration at not being able to express one’s abilities, nor experience the satisfactions of the different stages of an accomplishment), while the second allows fulfillment through the realization of the child’s different potentials.

Let’s take the example of a cartoon. After viewing it, activity in the areas of imagination and creativity is low because the brain is “lazy” since it is content to receive information passively.

If, on the contrary, we encourage the children to read or listen to a story, the opposite happens: the center of creativity and the one of imagination become very active (their drawings are much more detailed and their communication becomes better).

Very important additional effect: the level of so-called satisfaction hormones (following personal accomplishment) is high, which increases one’s confidence in the development of one’s abilities.

On the other hand, the search for satisfaction in the future will be done by soliciting one’s imagination and creativity, instead of fleeing into deceptive and often unproductive approaches.

The importance of a good developmentof the child's imagination and creativity

The development of these two faculties has been somewhat neglected since the rise of technology. However, they are of major importance because they are what improve the child’s ability to construct and communicate, without being diverted by undesirable external influences in order to later offer the best to society.

In this regard, Albert Einstein expressed a notion that he considered essential, namely that 

‘’Imagination is more important than knowledge, which is limited, because it integrates all the possibilities of the universe, stimulates progress and gives birth to evolution’’.

What We Offer

The LittleDino’s mission is to provide affordable, high-quality early education and childcare services to ensure every working family.

Art Classes

Look into the eyes of a young child and see the sparkle

Special Education

Look into the eyes of a young child and see the sparkle

Activity Rooms

Look into the eyes of a young child and see the sparkle


Look into the eyes of a young child and see the sparkle

Birthday Party

Look into the eyes of a young child and see the sparkle

Healthy Food

Look into the eyes of a young child and see the sparkle